Status: Concluded.
Synopsis: Notes
Guide: by Katherine Smith
Discussion: ARGN Forum
Curtain Call: Miramontes.com
From Miramontes.com:
This was a project that we at Miramontes Studios ran in 2002 as a way of learning what it's like to run an extended immersive campaign in support of a major entertainment property. This was a guerilla-style project — we didn't have any official affiliation with a studio, we just chose a movie — Minority Report — and acted as if we had been given the job of creating a web-based world to promote the movie. If anyone complained, we could just stop; if there were no complaints, we'd learn a lot. And we did.
For more information check out the Immersion Museum entry linked above, or read the in-depth case study at Miramontes.com.