Chasing the Wish

Man, I am totally stoked about this one. As you may or may not know, the Push fan site Speed Hunting Club is mastered by none other than Change Agents PM, Dave Szulborski. WB posted an insightful interview of Dave over at today, in which they spoke not only of the Agents of Change and of Hunting Speedily, but also what Mr. Szulborski's plans were for the future. One interesting thing Dave mentioned with respect to the Speed Hunting Club was that the puzzle presently featured on that site would eventually lead to a teaser for his next project, currently in the works.

Damned if the esteemed Mottjr didn't solve that very puzzle shortly thereafter, leading us to The site is currently set up as a teaser, promising more information on the 12th of November and providing an email contact for "pre-registration." What is there may be vague, but it's worked its magic on me: I love the premise and I can't wait to see this one launch! I'll be waiting on pins and needles until it does.