Archive for the ‘rumors’ Category

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The Haunted Apiary

Saturday, July 17th, 2004

ARGN operator Steve Peters received a strange package by FedEx yesterday, containing a plastic honey bear in which the sender had inserted some letters. Opening them up and performing a little anagrammatic wizardry led him to the I Love Bees website, which appears to be under some sort of crazy assault. Can you help Dana find out what's wrong with her aunt's website? Join the hunt in the new forum!

Orbital Colony

Saturday, July 17th, 2004

As a sort of joke, fireball posted about an odd Ebay auction in which the seller purported to be auctioning rights to an asteroid. Konamouse wondered if this might be a rabbit hole for the Training ARG, which has been in development since this Spring. A couple of days later, Caterpillar noticed that one of the bidders on the auction had an odd profile page. Decoding the graphic on that profile led players to the meta-site for the game, christened Orbital Colony, which may be due to launch soon or may have already launched! Keep an eye on this one….

The Manchurian Candidate

Saturday, July 17th, 2004

There's a remake of "The Manchurian Candidate" coming out soon, starring Denzel Washington. Alert reader Trallyus tipped us off via email to a companion game in which you use your cell phone to answer riddles and gain entries to a sweepstakes where you could win a hometown screening of the movie and/or a new Kyocera cellphone. It's billed as a "voice recognition game" so may not be quite an ARG, however…

Equally alert reader Individua spotted the name in the movie trailer of the evil corporation behind the brainwashing in the movie, "Manchurian Global." Turns out via Yahoo! or Google search, they have a website (conveniently located at the top of the hit list, along with sponsored ads for that search query term). The site, as Individua points out, is full of useless technobabble fluff, but it does have an interesting link to a private extranet. Anyone feel like cracking a login? 😀

The Manchurian Game movie site has some quite nice flash on it, as well.

Side note on the Manchurian Global site: on the home page, the "contact" link at the bottom is attached to an email address, but on other pages it links to the nonexistent "contact.php" file. Let's see how quickly they fix that.


Saturday, July 17th, 2004

There happens to be a digital remastering of George Lucas's first movie, THX-1138, coming out in November of this year as well. Konamouse received an odd email that leads to a site named after Donald Pleasance's character, SEN 5241 that may be part of an ARG associated with the release of the DVD! There's not a lot of content there yet, but keep an eye on this one as well, in the UF thread or over at


Thursday, March 18th, 2004

The other day I received via snail-mail an invitation of sorts. That's right, by regular old mail I got this card, so I checked out Apparently, others have received invitations as well, via email, balloons handed out malls, flyers left on their car windows, even cards hidden in the change they received at a gas station. wrote:
Welcome to the Think-Ins Organization. If you are reading this you are already part of the select few who have the opportunity of a lifetime. This amazing event has already taken place around the world and is coming to a location geographically close to you.

What is A new philosophy? A test of sorts? You can only find out by playing (and it's designed to be played alone). I had fun working through the puzzles and I'D especially encourage anyone in the area of the upcoming event to give it a shot. The event takes place very soon! Will you be there?